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Halting Syrian chaos

The Syrian president Bashar al-Assad (left) and his Iranian collegue Mahmoud Ahmadinejad (right).


By Robert D. Kaplan and Kamran Bokhari

STRATFOR – 4 July 2012 – What if Syrian President Bashar al Assad really goes? There is an assumption in the West that the way to win a strategic victory over Iran and improve the human rights situation inside Syria is to remove the Syrian leader. It is true that Iran’s prospects of keeping Syria as its own Mediterranean outpost are probably linked with the survivability of al Assad’s regime. But his removal might well hasten the slide into chaos within Syria and in adjacent Lebanon, rather than slow it. Al Assad’s departure could even ignite a disintegration of the Syrian power structure into various gangs and militias.


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“Questions concern Assange’s connections to the CIA and his ability to expose ‘leaked’ information. As a psy-op, the manifestation of Assange and WikiLeaks has effectively used engineered operations of secret document exposure to give the …appearance of forced political responsibility for intelligence and policy failures. (…) The origination of Anonymous is traceable to the CIA as an attempt of the US government to create a false flag threat that justifies the Obama administration’s restriction of information flow and freedom on the internet. (…) The leaks Assange has revealed directly benefit the US, Israeli and UN campaign to remove Assad from his governmental seat and implant a stooge. (…) This is all very easy to understand: a CIA operation where information stolen from Syrian computer servers by Flame (which is the cyber-weapon of the US government) was given to Anonymous (who are CIA agents) and ‘leaked’ by WikiLeaks (the fake whistleblower website).”


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“WikiLeaks and Julian Assange are NOT a genuine attempt to undermine the New World Order establishment – quite the contrary. Wittingly or unwittingly, WikiLeaks SERVES the interests of the bankrupt Anglo-American establishment. (…) In recent weeks the WikiLeaks operation plans to release documents on Syria to select media organizations. These organizations are now cognitively infiltrated. It claims that it will be compromising for both the Syrian government and opposition. This is bait. The information is likely to be more damaging against the SAR government who is defending itself from an externally driven ‘revolution’. Don’t fall for it. Any honest observer knows that the main problem in Syria is the presence of rebel bandits and ‘death-squads’ who terrorize and kill all who oppose them. (…) The lure of ‘secret’ information is tempting, but don’t fall for it – don’t become cognitively infiltrated. WikiLeaks is just one more gambit in the war against the nation-state.”


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“Slovenia’s leading newspaper Delo on Saturday criticized NATO’s failure in Afghanistan and suggested that the government consider leaving ‘this anachronistic organization’. Slovenia would be wise to leave NATO because its money is being spent on the alliance’s ‘failed project’ in Afghanistan while domestic spending cuts are affecting pensioners, young families, culture and education (…). The… fact is that joining the alliance was the biggest and most expensive mistake of Slovenian foreign policy (…). The newspaper said that NATO is no longer an alliance for the protection of its members and instead has become an organization that intervenes around the world. ‘The current crisis is an excellent opportunity to leave this anachronistic organization, which is lost in time and space’.”

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Malik Imran.



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